
My Second Post

This is my second post. It is neat to me because of how I posted it.

I have an app on my phone called Termux. If you don't know, it gives you a bash terminal on Android. It works pretty well, as far as I can tell.

Previously, when I'd update a website (as this isn't my first attempt at starting a blog on this domain), I would type up the files on a computer, open an SFTP client, connect to the website, and transfer the files over.

As far as I know, there's nothing at all wrong with this. At least, not on a computer.

On a phone, however, this is more annoying. Have you ever noticed the dearth of good applications on phones? They either don't work very well, have ads all over them, or both.

Okay, I'm not being super fair. There was a decent SFTP client on F-Droid called simply "FTPClient", and that worked well enough. In fact, I used it to post my first post.

My problem is that it feels kinda clunky. It doesn't feel as good as FileZilla does on a computer, because I can't quite click and drag things over in the same way (not even with my pink bluetooth logitech keyboard and mouse).

There's also no decent text editor. Like, after trying several of the few that looked promising, the only one that let you type a fucking tab was "Jota+", which came with ads (presumably, I hope, unless you pay).

Termux basically solves these problems. I don't mind using a bash CLI, and in fact, I like it. Nano isn't my favorite text editor by a long shot, but it's perfectly functional. And Termux allows the ability to use SSH, which is something I haven't done before.

Maybe editing website files directly over SSH isn't the best thing to do, I'll have to look that up later, but I'm definitely doing it right now. It's kinda thrilling.

That's basically all I had to say. I just wanted to bitch about cell phone apps and talk about using Termux. Bye.