


It's been a while since I've posted anything on this "blog".

Despite that, I'm picking up right where I left off. A few days ago, I came out as trans (and bisexual, but that's not as interesting). I did this on Facebook, because that's where most of the people I know are.

Arguably, I was sort of a coward about it. I just went ahead and unfriended most of the people who could have given me grief about it before I posted anything. A couple of people remained that I was iffy on, but they didn't react to it if they even saw it. Maybe they'll see it eventually, idk.

My mom reacted to it better than I expected, despite the horrific right-wing shit she's always listening to. She wants to take me clothes shopping, which seems like it could be nice.

It felt really nice to "get it off my chest", or "pull the trigger", however you look at it, and the vast amount of support I received from friends and family made me really happy. I haven't received any negativity about it at all, actually, which only means I'm lucky.

I'm not out to anyone in my daily life, yet, save for a couple of people (family included) that saw my post. That means that none of my coworkers know, nor my boss, the company, etc. I'd like to think I won't be fired for it, but I work with harsh republican people. A couple of people would probably try to be nice to me about it, but I don't think anyone would see me as human anymore (if they even do now, but that's another blog post waiting to happen).


To be honest, I still kind of feel weird calling myself trans, let alone "a woman". Maybe I'll never be comfortable. Maybe that means that I'm not trans after all, but... at the same time, it feels right. It feels like it's always been.

The night I came out, I went to sleep hours past my bedtime, having just posted. I slept like a baby. And when I woke up, I felt nice. Even now, I feel nice, days later. I look in the mirror and see where I can go from here. I just have to try to get there.

I'm just rambling, sorry.